Results for 'Patrick Xerxes Monaghan'

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  1.  47
    Property Possession as Identity: An Essay in Metaphysics.Patrick Xerxes Monaghan - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    In this essay, I argue for an account of property possession as strict, numerical identity. According to this account, for an entity to possess a property is for that entity to be numerically identical to that property.
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    Editors’ Introduction: Aligning Implicit Learning and Statistical Learning: Two Approaches, One Phenomenon.Patrick Rebuschat & Padraic Monaghan - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (3):459-467.
    In their editors’ introduction, Rebuschat and Monaghan provide the background to the special issue. They outline the rationale for bringing together, in a single volume, leading researchers from two distinct, yet related research strands, implicit learning and statistical learning. The editors then introduce the new contributions solicited for this special issue and provide their perspective on the agenda setting that results from combining these two approaches.
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    Learning vocabulary and grammar from cross-situational statistics.Patrick Rebuschat, Padraic Monaghan & Christine Schoetensack - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104475.
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    A Single Paradigm for Implicit and Statistical Learning.Padraic Monaghan, Christine Schoetensack & Patrick Rebuschat - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (3):536-554.
    This article focuses on the implicit statistical learning of words and syntax. Monaghan, Schoetensack and Rebuschat introduce a novel paradigm that combines theoretical and methodological insights from the two research traditions, implicit learning and statistical learning. Their cross‐situational learning paradigm has been used in the statistical learning literature, while their measures of awareness have widely been used in implicit learning research. They illustrate how the two literatures can be conjoined in a single paradigm to explore implicit statistical learning.
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    Jason Turner, The Facts in Logical Space: A Tractarian Ontology. Reviewed by.Monaghan Patrick - 2016 - Philosophy in Review 36 (6):281-283.
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    Anna Marmodoro, Everything in Everything: Anaxagoras's Metaphysics. Reviewed by.Patrick Monaghan - 2018 - Philosophy in Review 38 (1):28-29.
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    Simon Prosser. Experiencing Time. Reviewed by.Monaghan Patrick - 2017 - Philosophy in Review 37 (2):71-73.
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    The Largest Proper Parts of a Mereological Whole: A Refutation of Classical Extensional Mereology.Patrick Monaghan - 2016 - Metaphysica.
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  9. Defending (a modified version of) the Zygote Argument.Patrick Todd - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (1):189-203.
    Think of the last thing someone did to you to seriously harm or offend you. And now imagine, so far as you can, becoming fully aware of the fact that his or her action was the causally inevitable result of a plan set into motion before he or she was ever even born, a plan that had no chance of failing. Should you continue to regard him or her as being morally responsible—blameworthy, in this case—for what he or she did? (...)
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  10. Curriculum Development in the Postmodern Era.Patrick Slattery - 2006 - Routledge.
    Curriculum Development in the Postmodern Era provided the first introduction and analysis of contemporary concepts of curriculum development in relation to postmodernism. It challenged educators to transcend purely traditional approaches to curriculum development and instead incorporate various postmodern discourses into their reflection and action in schools. Since publication in 1995, the curriculum studies field has exploded, the very notion of the postmodern has shifted, and the landscape of American schooling has changed dramatically-federal policies like No Child Left Behind have dramatically (...)
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  11. Saplings or Caterpillars? Trying to Understand Children's Wellbeing.Patrick Tomlin - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (S1):29-46.
    Is childhood valuable? And is childhood as, less, or more, valuable than adulthood? In this article I first delineate several different questions that we might be asking when we think about the ‘value of childhood’, and I explore some difficulties of doing so. I then focus on the question of whether childhood is good for the person who experiences it. I argue for two key claims. First, if childhood wellbeing is measured by the same standards as adulthood, then children are (...)
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  12. Truth and realism.Patrick Greenough & Michael Patrick Lynch (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Is truth objective or relative? What exists independently of our minds? The essays in this book debate these two questions, which are among the oldest of philosophical issues and have vexed almost every major philosopher, from Plato, to Kant, to Wittgenstein. Fifteen eminent contributors bring fresh perspectives, renewed energy, and original answers to debates of great interest both within philosophy and in the culture at large.
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    The irrelevance of belief to rational action.Patrick Maher - 1986 - Erkenntnis 24 (3):363 - 384.
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    Modal logic.Patrick Blackburn - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Maarten de Rijke & Yde Venema.
    This modern, advanced textbook reviews modal logic, a field which caught the attention of computer scientists in the late 1970's.
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  15. Extending the Golden Thread? Criminalisation and the Presumption of Innocence.Patrick Tomlin - 2012 - Journal of Political Philosophy 21 (1):44-66.
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  16. P. Kyle Stanford exceeding our grasp: Science, history, and the problem of unconceived alternatives.Patrick Enfield - 2008 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59 (4):881-895.
  17.  32
    (1 other version)Aquinas.Anthony John Patrick Kenny - 1969 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Anchor Books.
    The historical context of the philosophical work of St. Thomas Aquinas, by D. Knowles.--Form and existence, by P. Geach.--Categories, by H. McCabe.--Analogy as a rule of meaning for religious language, by J. F. Ross.--Nominalism, by P. Geach.--St. Thomas' doctrine of necessary being, by P. Brown.--The proof ex motu for the existence of God; logical analysis of St. Thomas' arguments, by J. Salamucha.--Infinite causal regression, by P. Brown.--St. Thomas Aquinas and the language of total dependence, by J. N. Deck.--Divine foreknowledge and (...)
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    Alternate Currents in Women’s Republicanism During the French Revolution.Patrick Ball - 2019 - Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (4):392-402.
    ABSTRACT In this article I consider alternate but often complementary models for women’s republicanism from those discussed by Sandrine Bergès. In particular, I make use of Bergès’s insights about extending philosophical inquiry beyond traditional texts to analyse how militant political action was both informed by and informed the creation of philosophical texts, and consider the possibility of bringing direct action into the realm of philosophical investigation.
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  19. Kant’s Defense of Human Moral Status.Patrick Kain - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (1):59-101.
    The determination of individual moral status is a central factor in the ethical evaluation of controversial practices such as elective abortion, human embryo-destructive research, and the care of the severely disabled and those in persistent vegetative states. A review of recent work on Kant reveals the need for a careful examination of the content of Kant ’s biological and psychological theories and their relation to his views about moral status. Such an examination, in conjunction with Kant ’s practical-metaphysical analysis of (...)
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    Space, time and geometry.Patrick Suppes - 1973 - Boston,: Reidel.
    Griinbaum's own article sets forth his views on the ontology of the curvature of empty space, especially in the geometrodynamics of Clifford and Wheeler. ...
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    Bayesianism and irrelevant conjunction.Patrick Maher - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (4):515-520.
    Bayesian confirmation theory offers an explicatum for a pretheoretic concept of confirmation. The “problem of irrelevant conjunction” for this theory is that, according to some people's intuitions, the pretheoretic concept differs from the explicatum with regard to conjunctions involving irrelevant propositions. Previous Bayesian solutions to this problem consist in showing that irrelevant conjuncts reduce the degree of confirmation; they have the drawbacks that (i) they don't hold for all ways of measuring degree of confirmation and (ii) they don't remove the (...)
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    Pragmatism, realism and hermeneutics.Patrick Baert - 2003 - Foundations of Science 8 (1):89-106.
    This paper explores themethodological consequences of AmericanPragmatism for the social sciences. It alsocriticises some rival perspectives onmethodology of social research, in particularfalsificationist, realist and someanti-naturalist views. It is argued thatAmerican Pragmatism shows striking affinitieswith the genealogical method of history and thereflexive turn in cultural anthropology. It isalso argued that Pragmatism forces us to thinkdifferently about the relationship betweentheory and empirical research.
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  23. The philosophy of human rights.Patrick Hayden - 2001 - St. Paul, MN: Paragon House.
    The Philosophy of Human Rights brings together an extensive collection of classical and contemporary writings on the topic of human rights, including genocide, ethnic cleansing, minority cultures, gay and lesbian rights, and the environment, providing an exceptionally comprehensive introduction. Sources include authors such as Aristotle, Cicero, Thomas Aquinas, Confucius, Hobbes, Locke, rant. Marx, Gandhi. Hart, Feinberg, Nussbaum, the Dalai Lama, Derrida, Lyocard and Rorty. Ideal for courses in human rights, social theory, ethical theory, and political science, each reading; begins with (...)
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  24. Second-hand knowledge: an inquiry into cognitive authority.Patrick Wilson - 1983 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    The author uses social epistemology to develop the cognitive authority theory. The fundamental concept of cognitive authority is that people construct knowledge in two different ways: based on their first-hand experience or on what they have learned second-hand from others. What people learn first-hand depends on the stock of ideas they bring to the interpretation and understanding of their encounters with the world. People primarily depend on others for ideas as well as for information outside the range of direct experience. (...)
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    The observable: Heisenberg's philosophy of quantum mechanics.Patrick A. Heelan - 2016 - New York: Peter Lang. Edited by Michel Bitbol & Babette E. Babich.
    Patrick Aidan Heelan’s The Observable offers the reader a completely articulated development of his 1965 philosophy of quantum physics, Quantum Mechanics and Objectivity. In this previously unpublished study dating back more than a half a century, Heelan brings his background as both a physicist and a philosopher to his reflections on Werner Heisenberg’s physical philosophy. Including considerably broader connections to the contributions of Niels Bohr, Wolfgang Pauli, and Albert Einstein, this study also reflects Heelan’s experience in Eugene Wigner’s laboratory (...)
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  26. Should We Be Utopophobes About Democracy in Particular?Patrick Tomlin - 2012 - Political Studies Review 10 (1):36-47.
    In his book Democratic Authority, David Estlund puts forward a case for democracy, which he labels epistemic proceduralism, that relies on democracy's ability to produce good – that is, substantively just – results. Alongside this case for democracy Estlund attacks what he labels ‘utopophobia’, an aversion to idealistic political theory. In this article I make two points. The first is a general point about what the correct level of ‘idealisation’ is in political theory. Various debates are emerging on this question (...)
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    Focusing strategy for eight concept rules.Patrick R. Laughlin - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (4):661.
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    Discourse on the Origin of Inequality.Franklin Philip & Patrick Coleman (eds.) - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    In his Discourses, Rousseau argues that inequalities of rank, wealth, and power are the inevitable result of the civilizing process. If inequality is intolerable - and Rousseau shows with unparalleled eloquence how it robs us not only of our material but also of our psychological independence - then how can we recover the peaceful self-sufficiency of life in the state of nature? We cannot return to a simpler time, but measuring the costs of progress may help us to imagine alternatives (...)
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    Proportionality in War: Revising Revisionism.Patrick Tomlin - 2020 - Ethics 131 (1):34-61.
    In this article I argue that revisionists in just war theory must further revise their proportionality principles. I show that on the revisionist view it is possible for a war to be proportionate,...
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  30.  51
    Causality in the logic of decision.Patrick Maher - 1987 - Theory and Decision 22 (2):155-172.
  31.  13
    Le sens du travail à l’épreuve de l’intelligence artificielle.Patrick Mardellat - 2024 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 156 (3):237-253.
    L’IA révèle quelque chose sur le travail et la condition humaine que ne montraient pas pleinement les techniques antérieures, ce en quoi elle achève d’une certaine manière l’histoire des techniques. Ce qu’elle révèle, c’est la spécificité de l’intelligence humaine dans le travail collectif, qu’elle atteint au plus profond : à savoir la communication humaine et le fait que le travail est une expérience du temps. Il s’agit de formes d’une intelligence vivante ou vécue, dans lesquelles plonge le sens du travail. (...)
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    Pragmatism as a Philosophy of the Social Sciences.Patrick Baert - 2004 - European Journal of Social Theory 7 (3):355-369.
    This article introduces and critically analyses Richard Rorty’s neo-pragmatism as a contribution to the philosophy of social sciences. Although Rorty has written little about philosophy of social sciences as such, it is argued that his overall philosophical position has significant ramifications for this subject area. The first part of the article sets out the implications of Rorty’s neo-pragmatism for various issues in the philosophy of social sciences, for instance, the doctrine of naturalism, the nineteenth-century Methodenstreit, the philosophical tenets of Marxism, (...)
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    Reid's First Principle #7.Patrick Rysiew - 2011 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 41 (S1):167-182.
    By Reid's own account, ‘That the natural faculties, by which we distinguish truth from error, are not fallacious’, has a special place among the First Principles of Contingent Truths. Some have found that claim puzzling, but it is not. Contrary to what's usually assumed, certain FPs preceding FP#7 do not already assert the better part of what FP#7 explicitly states. FP#7 is needed because there is nothing epistemological in the FPs that precede it; and its special place among the FPs (...)
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    Qu'est-ce que le matérialisme?: introduction à l'analyse des complexes discursifs.Patrick Tort - 2016 - Paris: Belin.
    Le matérialisme que ce livre interroge et construit n'est pas une « philosophie », mais la condition de possibilité et l'outil de la connaissance objective. Historiquement, il se confond, de fait, avec l'élaboration de la science moderne s'affranchissant graduellement des contrats de parole qui l'asservirent longtemps à la métaphysique et à la théologie. Comment cette émancipation s'est-elle effectuée en des temps où une croyance instituée dictait sa loi théologico-politique aux efforts de la connaissance en leur imposant a priori la limite (...)
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  35. Locke, Kierkegaard and the phenomenology of personal identity.Patrick Stokes - 2008 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 16 (5):645 – 672.
    Personal Identity theorists as diverse as Derek Parfit, Marya Schechtman and Galen Strawson have noted that the experiencing subject (the locus of present psychological experience) and the person (a human being with a career/narrative extended across time) are not necessarily coextensive. Accordingly, we can become psychologically alienated from, and fail to experience a sense of identity with, the person we once were or will be. This presents serious problems for Locke's original account of “sameness of consciousness” constituting personal identity, given (...)
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    ‘There’s No Harm in Talking’…True…But It Depends on How We Talk and What We Then Do.Patrick T. Smith - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (12):32-34.
    McCarthy, Homan, and Rozier’s article seeks to bridge a gap between theological and secular bioethics (McCarthy, Homan, and Rozier 2020). It should be noted that the “theological” emphasis in the a...
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    The existentialist moment: the rise of Sartre as a public intellectual.Patrick Baert - 2015 - Malden, MA, USA: Polity.
    Occupation, intellectual collaboration and the resistance -- The purge of collaborationist intellectuals -- Intellectual debates around the purge : responsibility, purity, patriotism -- The autumn of 1945 -- Sartre's committed literature in theory and practice -- Rise and demise : a synthesis -- Explaining intellectuals : a proposal.
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    Innocence Lost: A Problem for Punishment as Duty.Patrick Tomlin - 2017 - Law and Philosophy 36 (3):225-254.
    Constrained instrumentalist theories of punishment – those that seek to justify punishment by its good effects, but limit its scope – are an attractive alternative to pure retributivism or utilitarianism. One way in which we may be able to limit the scope of instrumental punishment is by justifying punishment through the concept of duty. This strategy is most clearly pursued in Victor Tadros’ influential ‘Duty View’ of punishment. In this paper, I show that the Duty View as it stands cannot (...)
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    Controlling Video Stimuli in Sign Language and Gesture Research: The OpenPoseR Package for Analyzing OpenPose Motion-Tracking Data in R.Patrick C. Trettenbrein & Emiliano Zaccarella - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Researchers in the fields of sign language and gesture studies frequently present their participants with video stimuli showing actors performing linguistic signs or co-speech gestures. Up to now, such video stimuli have been mostly controlled only for some of the technical aspects of the video material, leaving open the possibility that systematic differences in video stimulus materials may be concealed in the actual motion properties of the actor’s movements. Computer vision methods such as OpenPose enable the fitting of body-pose models (...)
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    Mind, body, and freedom.Patrick T. Mackenzie - 2003 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
    Descartes with his sharp separation of the mental and the physical set the stage for the philosophy of mind for the next 350 years. Philosopher Patrick T. Mackenzie finds in the later writings of Wittgenstein the suggestion that Descartes got off on the wrong foot. Following Wittgenstein's lead, Mackenzie argues that instead of analyzing our human nature as a composite of mind and body, we should view ourselves as whole persons. One of the dividends of this approach to the (...)
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    L’invention du patient formateur : repenser l’ingénierie de formation et promouvoir le partenariat en santé.Patrick Lartiguet, Dominique Broussal & Michèle Saint-Jean - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (4):129-146.
    The participation of patients in the training of health professionals constitutes a paradigmatic break, not only with regard to what is going on in this particular field but also with regard to what can be observed in all training courses for the helping professions. The purpose of this article is to consider this mobilization of patient trainers both as an actual change and as a potential operator of change. To do this, we will rely on an intervention research aimed at (...)
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    Morality without God?Patrick Arnold - 2010 - Philosophia Christi 12 (2):481-485.
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    Par-delà tout ce qu'on a vu dans l'«amour».Patrick Attali - 2013 - Nietzsche Studien 42 (1).
  44.  30
    Neo-Pragmatim and Phenomenology.Patrick Baert - 2011 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 3 (2):24-40.
    This article introduces a new pragmatist-inspired perspective on the social sciences. It explores the relevance of neo-pragmatism for the philosophy of the social sciences, showing how it can lead to innovative and groundbreaking social research. The paper attempts to drive home these insights by elaborating on the affinities of neo-pragmatism with some Continental philosophers who have engaged with Husserl’s phenomenology, notably Gadamer, Levinas and Sartre. This neo-pragmatist proposal for the social sciences develops a non-representational view of knowledge and puts the (...)
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    George Boole.Patrick D. Barry - 1969 - [Cork]: Cork University Press.
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    Max Weber and American Political Modernity.Patrick LaPierre - 2013 - Intellectual History Review 23 (2):225-242.
  47. Bibliothèque (s). Les livres et les lectures d'Henri-François d'Aguesseau.Patrick Latour - 2007 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 52:65-93.
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    Absolutizing the Relative and Relativizing the Absolute: Metaphysical Implications of the Christian and Buddhist Soteriological Perspectives, Part II.Patrick Laude - 2016 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 33 (2):213-239.
    This essay is an attempt at opening parallel but contrastive avenues into the respective Christian and Buddhist outlooks with respect to the metaphysical notion of relativity in contradistinction with the concept of the Absolute. The main thesis is that Christianity and Buddhism present us, in their respective normative intellectual economies, with analogous, yet profoundly different ways of envisioning metaphysics from the vantage point of their sui generis soteriology. In other terms, our argument is that Christian and Buddhist metaphysics are essentially (...)
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    Absolutizing the Relative and Relativizing the Absolute: Metaphysical Implications of the Christian and Buddhist Soteriological Perspectives, Part I.Patrick Laude - 2016 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 33 (1):75-97.
    This essay is an attempt at opening parallel but contrastive avenues into the respective Christian and Buddhist outlooks with respect to the metaphysical notion of relativity in contradistinction with the concept of the Absolute. The main thesis is that Christianity and Buddhism present us, in their respective normative intellectual economies, with analogous, yet profoundly different ways of envisioning metaphysics from the vantage point of their sui generis soteriology. In other terms, our argument is that Christian and Buddhist metaphysics are essentially (...)
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    Concept attainment as a function of motivation and task complexity.Patrick R. Laughlin, Richard E. Chenoweth, Barbara B. Farrell & Joseph E. McGrath - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 96 (1):54.
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